an angel is coming to chop my head off

I took a nap after I wrote to my grandmother. in my dream I embodied love and watched the world accelerate from it. I sat in the back of a car watching my love change the world real time. Cars would start to fly in the street, radios jockeys were replased with vocal synths, . I was at some kind of youth career building seminar, and all the friend groups from my past were sitting at their respective tables with blank stares. I sat with strangers. I heard the sound of a crying baby from the office kitchenette, and approached it with a kitchen knife in hand. When I entered it was a man with his baby daughter, he was trying to open the packaging on some kind of formula. He didn't question the knife and assumed I brought it to help him. He thanked me.

As I opened my laptop space collapsed and I was at some kind of apartment I considered home. I updated my diary with a picture of myself with braids and a Gorrilaz sweatshirt. I was being picky about how my lipstick looked in the photo then suddenly my website started flickering. All the windows on my computer started glitching out, and images on my computer opened and overlayed in strange ways. My website started being uploaded with file types I had never seen before. One turned a simple photo into a collage of other images of my phone when you expanded it, pictures I didn't want anyone seeing. The picture I had posted of myself distorted. My legs would break through behind the div and tangle into themselves like tendrils. I was watching myself burn in hell, and I was powerless to do anything about it.
An application was on my desktop I had never seen before. It's icon was blue, white, black, and yellow. A pop up on my computer showed up leading me to believe it had something to do with an group I'd been in correspondence. I assumed this might have been them getting my attention, so I opened the app. It was a chatroom with someone with a Rei Anayami. This person had been trying to message me for a while now. It felt like a masculine energy.
- me: Are you doing this?
- π : Can you answer my native question?
- me: ok
- π: hahaha
It then told me that an angel, who's name was too long to remember and had a divine quality that transcended our English was coming to axe my neck. In big letters different from the system font, it scratched "CURSE CURSE". I tried to focus in on it, telling myself it wasn't going to hurt me. The more I looked at it though, the more I realized this was all different. The thing that stood out most about this dream is that this angel, this entity, used myself against me at every turn. When I woke up I consulted the tarot if there truly is an angel coming to behead me. They told me it was set in motion the second I woke up and it is meant to be.