MY GUMS ARE BLEEDING!!!!!!! ଘ(*. .)

current favorite things:

I love the rain. The rain makes me want to swear to secrecy. Lately there's been these little rain storms in the middle of the day and it's nice. my whole day resets for the better. i wish it rained more often, my birthday is coming up and I'd like a rainy day

MINDSET. Mindsets. My mindset! My karma. I understand karma differently then I used to. I think it's less about, being punished for acting out in society but more so how your actions set up your future. I have a lot of bad habits right now but I feel like if I persist in that idea they'll never go away.

I haven't done ear accupuncture in a long time and now that I'm back in town I think I will for my birthday. That or cupping! I've always wanted to try cupping I think the marks are really pretty and I've heard good things about what it does for circulation. My goal this year is to focus on my health so I have to address my spleen qi deficiency. I have wisdom teeth pain rn too it's soooo bad. I ate nothing but Wawa for like a month straight when I moved to Philadelphia because I didn't have any money. Now I am strapped to a kombucha IV pierced through my neck

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